Maryland Research Shows Benefits of Educational TV Programming for Young Tanzanian Children.
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Maryland Research Shows Benefits of Educational TV Programming for Young Tanzanian Children.
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That’s exactly what we want to give all our viewers across Africa – the opportunity to read, to learn and to become an empowered and educated generation.Read more
Our Ubongo Kids and Akili and Me e-books are ready to take the digital world by storm!Read more chronicles the birth, launch and growth of Ubongo, Ubongo Kids and Akili and Me education cartoons.
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The Citizen interviewed Doreen Kessy, our Chief Operating Officer about her career, her work and her vision for Ubongo.
Click here to read:—Doreen-says-Ubungo-Kids-is-the-answer/1843788-3117850-9xx8qm/index.html
We are so excited to announce that both our English and Swahili Akili and Me YouTube channels have gained over 2 million views!Read more
At Ubongo, we embrace change! Read more
Help us develop Learn Anywhere Kits with Ubongo’s fun and effective edutainment. They need to be adaptable and easily deployable in a variety of different emergency environments, to provide informal learning while formal school is paused or being set up.Read more
Very proud that our apps were included in the test run!Read more
Ubongo is Africa's leading producer of kids' edutainment. As a non-profit social enterprise we create fun, localised and multi-platform educational content that helps kids learn, and leverage their learning to change their lives. We reach millions of families across Africa through accessible technologies like TV, radio and mobile phones.
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