Five-year-old Kenyan student Miguel Munene sits between his parents, holding their hands as he watches cartoon characters teaching him to pronounce “fish”.
In this scale-up project,
For many of us, mobile phones are not simply tools for communication, they offer life-enhancing services like access to information via the internet, mobile banking, health and entertainment apps, and more. In 2015, more than half of the population of sub-Saharan Africa will be subscribed to a mobile service (The Mobile Economy: Sub-Saharan Africa 2018),Read more
“Ubongo is chosen by the World Bank as one of twenty interesting and intriguing innovative edtech projects from around the world.”
Click here to read the article:
Nisha Ligon’s article on the importance of Play in Early Childhood Development” is featured in WISE: review.
We are happy to announce that we are the recipients of a grant from the Omidyar Network!Read more
Center for Education Innovations cites Ubongo as an example of noteworthy “EdTech starts up in Africa – Who Gets it Right?”
Click here to read the article:
Ubongo is proud to receive a 2017 WISE Award from the World Innovation Summit for Education, one of the most prestigious awards for global education. Watch the WISE Award video below, or visit their site for more information. Read more
Ubongo is Africa's leading producer of kids' edutainment. As a non-profit social enterprise we create fun, localised and multi-platform educational content that helps kids learn, and leverage their learning to change their lives. We reach millions of families across Africa through accessible technologies like TV, radio and mobile phones.
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Phone: +255 685 012 897
BeBlocky, Inc (Ethiopia), XHUMA TECHNOLOGIES (South Africa), Trend Solar& Ubongo Learning (Tanzania) Qataloog (Nigeria), Mzizi School Management System (Kenya, Tanzania)
Full shortlists here –