Center for Education Innovations cites Ubongo as an example of noteworthy “EdTech starts up in Africa – Who Gets it Right?”
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Center for Education Innovations cites Ubongo as an example of noteworthy “EdTech starts up in Africa – Who Gets it Right?”
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HDIF talks with Doreen Kessy about her passion for edutainment that changes gender social norm.
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Nisha Ligon and Doreen Kessy are among 12 Female-Founded Tech Startups from Africa “first homegrown cartoon series”.
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Maryland Research Shows Benefits of Educational TV Programming for Young Tanzanian Children.
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The Citizen interviewed Doreen Kessy, our Chief Operating Officer about her career, her work and her vision for Ubongo.
Click here to read:—Doreen-says-Ubungo-Kids-is-the-answer/1843788-3117850-9xx8qm/index.html
Landell Mills, European Union and Ubongo co-created an Ubongo Kids episode and comics to teach kids in Africa about clean energy.
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ACCR reports on the winners of the WISE Awards 2017.
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Very proud that our apps were included in the test run!Read more
Ubongo is Africa's leading producer of kids' edutainment. As a non-profit social enterprise we create fun, localised and multi-platform educational content that helps kids learn, and leverage their learning to change their lives. We reach millions of families across Africa through accessible technologies like TV, radio and mobile phones.
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