Xtra-ordinary.com chronicles the birth, launch and growth of Ubongo, Ubongo Kids and Akili and Me education cartoons.
Click here to read: http://xtra-ordinary.com/ubongo-kids-learning-how-to-learn/
Xtra-ordinary.com chronicles the birth, launch and growth of Ubongo, Ubongo Kids and Akili and Me education cartoons.
Click here to read: http://xtra-ordinary.com/ubongo-kids-learning-how-to-learn/
Dina L.G. Borzekowski
school of Public Health, University of Maryland, College Park. The M.D. United States.
Click here to read the article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0193397317300850
The Citizen interviewed Doreen Kessy, our Chief Operating Officer about her career, her work and her vision for Ubongo.
Click here to read: http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/magazine/success/CAREER-PROFILE—Doreen-says-Ubungo-Kids-is-the-answer/1843788-3117850-9xx8qm/index.html
Landell Mills, European Union and Ubongo co-created an Ubongo Kids episode and comics to teach kids in Africa about clean energy.
Click here to read articles: http://www.landell-mills.com/news/2017/8/30/landell-mills-collaborates-with-ubongo-kids-in-tanzania-to-teach-children-about-energy-efficiency
ACCR reports on the winners of the WISE Awards 2017.
Click here to read the article: https://www.teachermagazine.com.au/articles/tackling-global-education-challenges
According to Nisha Ligon, Co-founder and CEO of Ubongo, over 100 million kids in Africa may never learn how to read. The average pre-primary class in Tanzania has one teacher teaching 177 students. Despite attending school, the students in classes like these often won’t receive the appropriate attention from the overwhelmed teacher, nor the chance toRead more
Ubongo Learn Anywhere Kits for Localised Kid-Centric Learning in Emergencies.Read more
Ubongo is the finalist for 2017 WISE Awards.
Click here to read the article: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/2017-wise-awards-finalists-announced-631018043.html
Let’s hear more about Ubongo Kids in education innovator from Doreen Kessy, Ubongo COO!
Click here to read: http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/News/Business/works/Innovation-in-Education–the-case-of-Ubongo-kids/3956094-3975922-4j1qkoz/index.html
Ubongo is Africa's leading producer of kids' edutainment. As a non-profit social enterprise we create fun, localised and multi-platform educational content that helps kids learn, and leverage their learning to change their lives. We reach millions of families across Africa through accessible technologies like TV, radio and mobile phones.
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