Five-year-old Kenyan student Miguel Munene sits between his parents, holding their hands as he watches cartoon characters teaching him to pronounce “fish”.
Ubongo is the proud recipient of this year’s MIP SDG Award, given in recognition of its progression toward inclusive and equitable quality education (SDG Goal 4).
A few years ago our friend Isis Spann Teaches, the CEO of FUNdamentals of Learning, shared how she uses our content to help her kid learn at home!
Deaf Awareness Week in Kenya: Ubongo KIDS has launched a sign language animated tv program for deaf children.
It is a super exciting time to be an Ubongoer as we have been named one of the five winners of @TheLEGOFoundation #BuildAWorldOfPlay Challenge!
What a wonderful end of the year gift to us all!
We are proud to see teachers in Thailand using Akili Thai to teach their lessons online during 3rd wave of Covid-19 Pandemic. Thank you Kasikorn Bank, Muang Thai Life Assurance, and Bgrimm for sponsoring the Thai dub.
Ubongo is Africa's leading producer of kids' edutainment. As a non-profit social enterprise we create fun, localised and multi-platform educational content that helps kids learn, and leverage their learning to change their lives. We reach millions of families across Africa through accessible technologies like TV, radio and mobile phones.
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